Differences in availability between the Availability Chart and Booking Chart in RMS.
Troubleshooting reports not opening in RMS.
Users seeing XXXX instead of a dollar amount in RMS.
Information on the System Expiry warnings received when logging into RMS 9+.
Clearing the Attributes filter on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Finding a queried transaction in RMS.
Information on causes behind seeing 'N/A' on the Rate Manager Chart in RMS.
How to correct transactions processed on the incorrect Accounting Date in RMS.
Troubleshooting display issues on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Total Areas on the Night Audit Report not representing total physical areas available in RMS.
Troubleshooting steps for speed or performance degradation experienced in RMS.
Updating the McAfee WebAdvisor Google Chrome extension to allow RMS Reports.
Save a reservation with a past Arrive Date in RMS.
Manually change the Accounting Date to a past date in RMS.
Reduce the loading times of the Cash Account.
You have X people trying to occupy a Category that only allows X occupants.
Users unable to manually override base rates within a reservation
Sundry Charge not available on accounts in RMS.
The Booking Chart opens on a Fixed Date instead of Today's Date.
Void Charge: You Can't Transfer or Void the Invoiced Transaction to do this first Cancel the Invoice.
Find Origin and Destination Account of Transfers in RMS.
Balance outstanding accounts for Departed or Cancelled Reservations in RMS.
Reverse balance transfer sent to incorrect account in RMS.
Balance historic accounts with an outstanding balance in RMS.
Move an Area to another Category in RMS.
No Devices Connected to DRC Service.
Housekeeping Task not appearing on the Housekeepers Report, Housekeeping Roster or on a Reservation in RMS.
Text and Colour of Reservations on Booking Chart not Displaying Correctly in RMS.
Clearing the Attributes Filter on the Booking Chart in RMS.