General Ledger Account Code
Setup General Ledger Account Codes in RMS.
A General Ledger Account Code is a unique code or number assigned to each account in the financial system's chart of accounts.
- Add Button
A General Ledger Account Code is a unique code or number assigned to each account in the financial system's chart of accounts.
Each unique code is then used to organise financial transactions within the general ledger.
General Ledger Account Codes are required on any revenue generating items in RMS including Categories or Areas and Sundry Charges. Allocation of revenue will be determind by the system hierarchy.
General Ledger Account Codes can be setup as 'Accommodation Revenue' to be included in Operational Revenue for accommodation.
Assign a Grouping to each General Ledger Account Code to bundle financial transactions within sub-sections on a range of reports including the Management Cash/Charge and Flash Report.
A Trust Grouping can be used by Trust Accounting properties to group GL Account Code information on specific Trust Accounting reports.
Operational Revenue reports with a Food & Beverage breakdown including the History & Forecast Report reference the Grouping assigned to the General Ledger Account Code.
Setup General Ledger Account Codes in RMS to match the codes provided in the financial system being used.
Changing a GL Account Code to be included or excluded from Accommodation Revenue after transactions have been created against that GL Account Code requires the Update Accommodation Revenue utility to be run to ensure Operational Revenue reports are updated to reflect the changes made.
Changing the General Ledger Account Code assigned to a charge in RMS will not change existing transactions.
To update past transactions to use the newly assigned GL Account Code requires each transaction to be voided and re-created.
The External Reference Number field is used by a legacy API interface and is not required for general setup.
Users will require Security Profile access to use this feature.
- Add Button
Have your System Administrator complete the following.
- Go to Setup > Accounting > GL Account Codes in RMS.
- Select the
'Add' icon.
- Enter the General Ledger Account Code.
- Enter a Description.
- Optional: Enter a Long Description
- Optional: Select a Grouping.
- Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Accommodation Revenue'.
- Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Loyalty Calculation'.
- Save/Exit.
Setup General Ledger Account Codes in RMS to match the codes provided in the financial system being used.
General Ledger Account Codes can be setup as 'Accommodation Revenue' to be included in Operational Revenue for accommodation.
Assign a Grouping to each General Ledger Account Code to bundle financial transactions within sub-sections on a range of reports.
The option 'Include in Loyalty Calculation' is available to properties using the Guest Rewards module.
- Add Button
Go to Setup > Accounting > GL Account Codes in RMS.
Select the 'Add' icon.
Enter the General Ledger Account Code.
Enter a Description.
Optional: Enter a Long Description
Optional: Select a Grouping.
Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Accommodation Revenue'.
Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Loyalty Calculation'.
Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made and leave the setup.
This General Ledger Account Code will now be available for selection on the setup of revenue generating items in RMS.
Have your System Administrator complete the following.
- Go to Setup > Accounting > GL Account Codes in RMS.
- Select the
'Add' icon.
- Enter the General Ledger Account Code.
- Enter a Description.
- Optional: Enter a Long Description
- Optional: Select a Grouping.
- Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Accommodation Revenue'.
- Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Loyalty Calculation'.
- Save/Exit.
Setup General Ledger Account Codes in RMS to match the codes provided in the financial system being used.
General Ledger Account Codes can be setup as 'Accommodation Revenue' to be included in Operational Revenue for accommodation.
Assign a Grouping to each General Ledger Account Code to bundle financial transactions within sub-sections on a range of reports.
The option 'Include in Loyalty Calculation' is available to properties using the Guest Rewards module.
- Add Button
Go to Setup > Accounting > GL Account Codes in RMS.
Select the 'Add' icon.
Enter the General Ledger Account Code.
Enter a Description.
Optional: Enter a Long Description
Optional: Select a Grouping.
Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Accommodation Revenue'.
Optional: Select the checkbox 'Include in Loyalty Calculation'.
Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made and leave the setup.
This General Ledger Account Code will now be available for selection on the setup of revenue generating items in RMS.