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    Create Multiple Reservations for the Same Guest

    Information on creating multiple reservations for the same guest in RMS.

    RMS does not restrict a user's ability to assign the same Guest Profile to reservations. This allows users to create Group Reservations for a guest booking multiple rooms for a stay without needing to provide a full guest list at the time of booking.

    This ability also allows for Repeat and Copy Reservations where the same guest may be staying multiple times over the same or different periods of time.

    The allocation of a Guest Profile to a reservation by a user in RMS is assumed that the user is aware of the person whose booking they are creating.

    In cases where the same person has had multiple Guest Profiles created for them in RMS, the Guest Merge Utility is available to consolidate these into a single record.

    Individual Guest Profiles can be merged during the reservation creation process if a duplicate record is identified when searching for existing guest details.

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