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    Allow Moving Reservations Across Properties

    Setup to allow moving reservations across properties in RMS.

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    The option 'Allow Moving Reservations Across Properties' allows enterprise customers to move a reservation and any transactions on the reservation account from one property to another in RMS.

    Trust accounting enterprises can only enable this option if set up as 'One Trust Bank Account', and users will require security profile access to both properties to move a reservation between them.

    Any transactions on the reservation account will be reallocated to the General Ledger Account Codes for the destination property, moving all revenue from the origin property to the destination property.


    The option 'Allow Moving Reservations Across Properties' moves a reservation and all transactions in its entirety for the full length of stay to the destination property.

    To accurately record a guest's movement from one property to another during their stay, use the 'Allow Split Reservations' option and perform a Reservation Area Move.


    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Property Options > General Information in the side menu of RMS.
    2. Navigate to the 'Reservation Options' tab.
    3. Select the 'Allow Moving Reservations Across Properties' checkbox.
    4. Save/Exit.
    5. Log out of RMS.


    Additional Information

    This option cannot be enabled for trust accounting properties that do not use 'One Trust Bank Account' or any property that uses a revenue management interface in RMS. 

    An Area Move between properties that accurately records a guest's stay at each property can be performed or scheduled using the 'Allow Split Reservations' option in RMS.



    System Administrators will require Security Profile access to 'Property Options' and 'General Information' to complete this setup.

    Go to Setup > Property Options > General Information in the side menu of RMS.

    Navigate to the 'Reservation Options' tab.

    Select the 'Allow Moving Reservations Across Properties' checkbox.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the setup.

    Log out of RMS to allow the database to update with the changes made.

    The property on a reservation can be changed after removing the currently allocated category and area to move the reservation across properties.

    Any transactions on the reservation account will be reallocated to the destination property after the reservation is moved.


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