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    Operational Revenue

    Information on Operational Revenue in RMS.

    Operational Revenue reporting is the accommodation value of a reservation distributed across the reservation dates.

    Accommodation values are determined by transactions where the General Ledger Account Code has been checked to 'Include in Accommodation Revenue for Reporting'.


    General Ledger Account Codes to be included in Operational Revenue as accommodation revenue must be setup to be included as Accommodation Revenue.

    This includes General Ledger Account Codes for Categories, Rates, Sundry Charges or Discounts.

    Example Operational Revenue Reports

    Management > Statistics > Occupancy

    Management > Statistics > Projected Forecast

    Management > Statistics > Marketing

    Operational Revenue Calculation Rules

    Any transactions where the assigned General Ledger Account Code has been ticked for 'Include in Accommodation Revenue for Reporting' will be included in Operational Revenue.

    Only charges applied to reservation accounts are included in the calculations for Operational Revenue using the below rules.

    Accommodation Revenue on or After the Departure Date

    When accommodation revenue is posted to a reservation account on, or after, the reservation's Departure Date it will be applied as Operational Revenue to the Departure Date.

    This accommodation revenue will only contribute to 'Revenue Totals' and will not be included in 'Reservation', 'Room Night' or 'Occupancy' calculations for that date.

    See Example #6



    Charges for additional guests will report against the Category GL Account Code unless a separate GL Code has been assigned to the Additionals tab of the Rate Setup for the selected Rate Type on the reservation.

    When a GL Account Code has been assigned to the Additionals tab, it will only be included in Operational Revenue if the selected GL Code has been setup to be included in accommodation revenue.

    Cancellations & No Shows

    When a reservation is changed to a status of Cancelled or No Show, any accommodation revenue that has been posted on the account will be included in Operational Revenue.

    Operational Revenue for Cancelled & No Show reservations will apply to the Arrival Date of the reservation and will only be included in 'Revenue Totals' and not in 'Occupancy' or 'Room Night' calculations for that date.


    Discounts will report against the GL Account Code of the transaction they are allocated to unless setup to use a 'Default GL Code'.

    When a Discount is setup to use a default GL Code, it will only be included in Operational Revenue if the selected GL Code has been setup to be included in accommodation revenue.


    Packages setup on a Rate or as stand alone Sundry Packages can consist of multiple components.

    Individual package components will only be included in Operational Revenue where the selected Sundry Charge includes a GL Account Code setup to be included in accommodation revenue.

    Periodic Charges

    Periodic Charges where the selected Sundry Charge includes a GL Account Code setup to be included in accommodation revenue will be included in Operational Revenue.

    The report will show the accommodation revenue as the Periodic Charge value divided by the Periodic Charge dates.

    In cases where the Periodic Charge dates do not align with the reservation stay dates, the accommodation revenue will be applied to the closest corresponding reservation date.

    For example, a Periodic Charge with dates beginning prior to the Reservation Arrival will apply the 'pre-reservation' portion of the accommodation revenue to the Arrival Date.

    Each Periodic Charge date within the reservation will then allocate accordingly.

    See Example #5 & Example #6

    Quote Reservations

    Reservations in Quote status will not be included in Operational Revenue.

    Reservations - Full Rate Applied to Account

    When all appropriate reservation nights have been posted to the account, accommodation revenue will be included as Operational Revenue.

    Total Rate will use the Total Rate created on the account and evenly divide the amount across the number of reservation nights using the reservation stay dates.

    Nightly Rate will use the Nightly Rate posted to the account for each transaction's accommodation date.

    See Example #1 & Example #3

    Reservations - Partial or No Rate Applied to the Account

    When a reservation has not had a Rate applied to the account for the appropriate reservation dates, the accommodation revenue will be included in the Operational Revenue as a projection.

    Reservations must have a valid Rate Type, be a Status of Unconfirmed, Confirmed or Arrived and not be set to Long Term for the Operational Revenue to be projected using the Quoted Rate.

    Total Rate will use the Quoted Total Rate and evenly divide the amount across the number of reservation nights.

    Nightly Rate will use the Quoted Nightly Rate to report revenue for any reservation dates where the Nightly Rate has not been posted to the account.

    See Example #2 & Example #4

    Repeat Charges

    Repeat Charges where the selected Sundry Charge includes a GL Code setup to be included in accommodation revenue will be included in Operational Revenue.

    The report will show the Operational Revenue for the reservation as the Repeat Charge value divided by the Repeat Charge dates.

    When a Repeat Charge cannot be evenly divided across all Repeat Charge dates, the excess amount will be applied to the final Repeat Charge date for that period.

    In cases where the Repeat Charge dates do not align with the reservation stay dates, the accommodation revenue will be applied to the closest corresponding reservation date.

    For example, a Repeat Charge with dates ending after the Reservation Departure will apply the 'post-reservation' portion of the Operational Revenue to the reservation's Departure Date.

    Each Repeat Charge date within the reservation will then allocate accordingly.

    See Example #7

    Reservations - Partial or No Repeat Charge Applied to the Account

    When a reservation has a Repeat Charge setup on the account but has not had the transaction posted for the dates reported on, accommodation revenue will be included as an Operational Revenue projection.

    Operational Revenue will be reported using the Repeat Charge value divided by the Repeat Charge dates to create a daily value.

    Sundry Charges

    When a Sundry Charge is applied to a reservation account and the assigned GL Account Code is setup to be included in accommodation revenue, this will be included in Operational Revenue for the closest corresponding reservation stay date.

    For example, a Sundry Charge applied to the reservation account several days after the Departure Date will have the accommodation revenue reported as Operational Revenue for the reservation's Departure Date.

    See Example #5 & Example #6


    Sundry Charges posted onto the Group Master Account are not included as Operational Revenue as the Group Master is a Reservation Header and not an actual Reservation.

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