Setup Hire Equipment
Setting up Areas in an Activity Category in RMS.
Steps Required
Have your System Administrator complete the following.
- Go to Setup > Category/Area in RMS.
- Select the Hire Equipment Category and choose 'Edit'.
- Navigate to the 'Area' tab.
- Select 'Quick Add'.
- Enter the Name or ID for each piece of Hire Equipment.
- Save/Exit.
- Save/Exit.
- Log out of RMS.
Visual Guide
Go to Setup > Category/Area in RMS.
Select the Hire Equipment Category and choose 'Edit'.
Navigate to the 'Area' tab.
Select 'Quick Add'.
Enter the Name or ID for each piece of Hire Equipment.
Select 'Save/Exit' to create the Hire Equipment in RMS.
Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.
Log out of RMS to allow the database to update with the changes made.