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    Meal Plan

    Setup food inclusions and related charges in RMS.

    Decision Tree

    Meal Plan is a Lookup Table that can be used to apply food inclusions to a Rate Type or Reservation with related charges.

    • Information
    • Setup
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    Meal Plan is a Lookup Table that can be used to apply food inclusions to a Rate Type or Reservation with related charges.

    Meal inclusions can be selected in any combination of breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.

    Charges for a meal plan will apply to the Reservation Account with the selected Rate Type and will only apply for the period a meal would ordinarily apply.

    Meal Plans that include breakfast will not apply the breakfast fee to the Arrive Date and dinner charges will not be applied on the Depart Date.

    A Meal Plan Upgrade will only be available when a Meal Plan has already been selected on the Reservation.

    Upgrading a Meal Plan will use the selected starting meal and reschedule all remaining meals. Charges for the upgrade of meal plan will apply to the account on Save/Exit.


    Meal Plan, Sundry, Guest, Rate, Reservation and Additional Charge Labels are System Labels that can be customised.

    • Setup
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    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Lookup Tables > Meal Plan in the Side Menu of RMS.
    2. Select the 'Add' icon.
    3. Enter a Meal Plan Description.
    4. Optional: Enter a Code.
    5. Optional: Select the checkbox 'Show Included Meals on the To-Do Chart'.
    6. Select the checkbox for the Included Meals.
    7. Navigate to the 'Upgrade Fee' tab.
    8. Select a Fee Structure.
      1. Fees Per Period:
        1. Select a Sundry Charge.
        2. Select a Currency.
        3. Enter a Quantity.
        4. Enter a Unit Price or select the checkbox 'Use Amount from Sundry'.
        5. Optional: Enter Minimum Nights.
      2. Fees Per Person:
        1. Select a Sundry Charge.
        2. Select a Currency.
        3. Enter the Per Person Fees.
        4. Optional: Enter the Minimum Nights.
    9. Save/Exit.


    A Sundry Charge with the 'Meal' option selected is required to setup fees on a Meal Plan.

    The Meal Plan field must be enabled in Field Maintenance to be visible on the Reservation.

    • Guide
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    System Administrators will require Security Profile access to complete this setup.

    Go to Setup > Lookup Tables > Meal Plan in the Side Menu of RMS.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Enter a Meal Plan Description.

    Optional: Enter a Code.

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Show Included Meals on the To-Do Chart'.

    Select the checkbox for the Included Meals.

    Navigate to the 'Upgrade Fee' tab.

    Select a Fee Structure.

    Fees Per Period

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select a Currency.

    Enter a Quantity.

    Enter a Unit Price or select the checkbox 'Use Amount from Sundry'.

    Optional: Enter Minimum Nights.


    Fees Per Person

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select a Currency.

    Enter the Per Person Fees.

    Optional: Enter the Minimum Nights.


    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the setup.

    The Meal Plan can now be selected on a Reservation or Rate Type.


    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Lookup Tables > Meal Plan in the Side Menu of RMS.
    2. Select the 'Add' icon.
    3. Enter a Meal Plan Description.
    4. Optional: Enter a Code.
    5. Optional: Select the checkbox 'Show Included Meals on the To-Do Chart'.
    6. Select the checkbox for the Included Meals.
    7. Navigate to the 'Upgrade Fee' tab.
    8. Select a Fee Structure.
      1. Fees Per Period:
        1. Select a Sundry Charge.
        2. Select a Currency.
        3. Enter a Quantity.
        4. Enter a Unit Price or select the checkbox 'Use Amount from Sundry'.
        5. Optional: Enter Minimum Nights.
      2. Fees Per Person:
        1. Select a Sundry Charge.
        2. Select a Currency.
        3. Enter the Per Person Fees.
        4. Optional: Enter the Minimum Nights.
    9. Save/Exit.


    A Sundry Charge with the 'Meal' option selected is required to setup fees on a Meal Plan.

    The Meal Plan field must be enabled in Field Maintenance to be visible on the Reservation.

    • Guide
    • Add Button



    System Administrators will require Security Profile access to complete this setup.

    Go to Setup > Lookup Tables > Meal Plan in the Side Menu of RMS.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Enter a Meal Plan Description.

    Optional: Enter a Code.

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Show Included Meals on the To-Do Chart'.

    Select the checkbox for the Included Meals.

    Navigate to the 'Upgrade Fee' tab.

    Select a Fee Structure.

    Fees Per Period

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select a Currency.

    Enter a Quantity.

    Enter a Unit Price or select the checkbox 'Use Amount from Sundry'.

    Optional: Enter Minimum Nights.


    Fees Per Person

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select a Currency.

    Enter the Per Person Fees.

    Optional: Enter the Minimum Nights.


    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the setup.

    The Meal Plan can now be selected on a Reservation or Rate Type.

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