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    Rental Schedule Increases

    Setting up automated Rental Increases for existing Repeat Charges in RMS.

    Steps Required

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Sundry in RMS.
    2. Select the required Rental Sundry Charge and choose 'Edit'.
    3. Navigate to the 'Rental Schedule' tab.
    4. Select 'Add'.
    5. Enter the Start Date and Amount.
    6. Save/Exit.
    7. Select if ProRata is required for Effective Date.
    8. Save/Exit.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Setup > Accounting > Sundry in RMS.

    Select the required Rental Sundry Charge and choose 'Edit'.

    Navigate to the 'Rental Schedule' tab.

    Select 'Add' to create a new Rental Schedule Increase.

    Enter the Start Date and Amount for the increase to apply.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

    Select if ProRata is required for Effective Date.


    Selecting to ProRata will enable RMS to calculate the appropriate rental fee for Repeat Charges where the new effective date is within an existing roll forward period.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

    Repeat Charges setup to 'Use Amount from Sundry' with this Sundry Charge will automatically apply the rental increase for the date setup.

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