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    Setup an Owned Interconnecting Area

    Setting up an Interconnecting Area with an Owner in RMS.

    Steps Required

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Category/Area in RMS.
    2. Select the Interconnecting Category and choose 'Edit'.
    3. Navigate to the 'Area' tab.
    4. Select 'Add'.
    5. Enter an Area Description.
    6. Navigate to the 'Interconnecting' tab.
    7. Select the Category of the first Sibling Area.
    8. Select the first Sibling Area.
    9. Select the Category of the second Sibling Area.
    10. Select the second Sibling Area.
    11. Save/Exit.


    Owner Contracts should only be added to the Interconnecting Master Area.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Setup > Category/Area in RMS.

    Select the Interconnecting Category and choose 'Edit'.

    Navigate to the 'Area' tab.

    Select 'Add' to create a new Interconnecting Master Area.

    Enter an Area Description.

    Navigate to the 'Interconnecting' tab.

    Select the Category of the first Sibling Area.

    Select the first Sibling Area.

    Select the Category for the second Sibling Area.

    Select the second Sibling Area.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to complete creating the Interconnecting Master Area.


    The Owner Contract should only be added to the Interconnecting Master Area.

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