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    Mandatory Market Segment

    Setup Market Segment as a mandatory field on reservations in RMS.

    Steps Required

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Users > Field Maintenance in RMS.
    2. Select 'Manager (Default)' as the User.
    3. Select the checkbox 'Market Segment'.
    4. Optional: Select the checkbox 'Sub Market Segment'.
    5. Select the checkbox 'Mandatory on Save'.
    6. Optional:Change the Field Display Order.
      1. Select the Field 'Market Segment'.
      2. Select the Up or Down Arrow.
    7. Save/Exit.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Setup > Users > Field Maintenance in RMS.

    Select 'Manager (Default)' as the User.

    Select the checkbox 'Market Segment'.

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Sub Market Segment'.

    Select the checkbox 'Mandatory on Save'.

    Optional: Change the Field Display Order.

    Select the Field 'Market Segment' and choose the Up or Down Arrow.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

    Users will now be required to select a Market Segment before saving a reservation in RMS.

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