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    Rate Lookup

    Set up a new rate in RMS.

    Table of Contents

    Rate StructuresSetup

    A Rate Lookup is the linking component for standalone rates that connects a Rate Type, Rate Period, and Rate Table to a category or area.

    A standalone rate will only be available if a Rate Lookup exists for the category, area, and date viewed.

    Only a Rate Type and Rate Table with the same Rate Structure can be linked within a Rate Lookup. 


    Setup Requirements

    The following setup is required to create a new Rate Lookup in RMS:

    Rate Structures

    The two rate structures of 'OTA' and 'Direct' will determine the fee calculation options available on the rate table and which channel connections the rate can be used with.

    A Rate Type and Rate Table can only be connected in a Rate Lookup when set up in the same rate structure.


    The 'OTA' rate structure has limited fee calculation options available on the Rate Table to remain compatible with all available connections in the RMS Channel Manager

    Online Travel Agents broadly only accept per-period rates for a defined value (price per date), which is reflected in the available options on the Rate Table when using the 'OTA' rate structure.

    Some available channel connections will also accept an extended stay fee structure, and this option is also available on a Rate Table set up as the 'OTA' rate structure.


    The 'Direct' rate structure is the most flexible for available fee structures on the Rate Table and can be used within RMS, on the RMS Internet Booking Engine, and with limited channel connections. The third-party determines the types of rates their channel will accept, which can be viewed in the channel's connection information article in the Help Centre.


    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Charts > Rate Manager in the side menu of RMS.
    2. Select the 'Rates' icon and 'Rate Lookups'.
    3. Select the 'Add' icon.
    4. Select a Rate Structure.
    5. Select a Rate Type.
    6. Select a Category.
      1. Optional: Select an Area checkbox.
    7. Select a Rate Table.
    8. Select a Rate Period.
    9. Save/Exit.


    Additional Information

    A Rate Type and Rate Table can only be connected in a Rate Lookup when set up in the same Rate Structure.

    Use the 'Hold Selection' checkboxes to keep the selection made when creating multiple Rate Lookups using the  'Save/Next' icon.

    'Category', 'Area', and 'Rate' are default System Labels that can be customised and may be named differently in your RMS.



    System Administrators will require Security Profile access to the 'Rate Manager Chart' and 'Rate Lookups' to complete this setup in RMS.

    Go to Charts > Rate Manager in the side menu of RMS.

    Select the  'Rates' icon and 'Rate Lookups'.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Select a Rate Structure.


    The Rate Types and Rate Tables available for selection will be filtered based on the selected Rate Structure.

    Select a Rate Type.


    Tip: Select the 'Hold Selection' checkbox to keep this Rate Type when using the  'Save/Next' icon to create multiple Rate Lookups.

    Select a Category.


    Tip: Select the 'Hold Selection' checkbox to keep this category when using the  'Save/Next' icon to create multiple Rate Lookups.

    Optional: Select an Area checkbox.


    Selecting a category will select all areas in that category by default and the list of areas will only be displayed if one category is selected.

    Select a Rate Table.


    Tip: Select the 'Hold Selection' checkbox to keep this Rate Table when using the  'Save/Next' icon to create multiple Rate Lookups.

    Select a Rate Period.


    Tip: Select the 'Hold Selection' checkbox to keep this Rate Period when using the  'Save/Next' icon to create multiple Rate Lookups.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Rate Lookup setup.


    Tip: Select the  'Save/Next' icon to create multiple Rate Lookups in a row.

    This rate will now be visible on the Rate Manager and available for selection on a reservation.

    Previous: Rate Table

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