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    Rate Type Import

    Information on the requirements for the Rate Type Import available in RMS.

    Import Information

    • The file to be imported must be in a comma delimited .csv format (Field Delimiter).
    • If a data field within this file contain commas, it should be surrounded with "double quotes" (Text Delimiter).
    • Line returns should be replaced with the pipe character '|'. (Usually found on the backslash key).
    • Microsoft Excel is able to save using a .csv format that should match these requirements.
    • RMS is able to determine whether the first record is a header record.

    Field Order

    Order Field Name Field Type Required Max Charaters RMS Equivalent
    1 ChargeType String Y 50 Rate / Charge Type
    2 short_description String Y 50 Rate Charge Description
    3 Structure


    Y 6 OTA or Direct Rates
    4 Code String N 50  
    5 Long Description String N 500  
    6 G/L Acc Code  String N 50  
    7 Discount String N 20  
    8 Grouping String N 50  
    9 Advance Puchase Numeric N 3  
    10 Last Minute Numeric N 3  
    11 Refundable Charge String N 20  
    12 Booking Source String N 20  
    13 Market Segment String N 20  
    14 Cancellation Policy String N 20  
    15 Meal Plan String N 20  
    16 Contracted Rate True/False N   Blank = False
    17 BAR Rate True/False N   Blank = False
    18 No Discount Allowed True/False N   Blank = False
    19 Only Available to Members True/False N   Blank = False
    20 Do not Use Promo True/False N   Blank = False
    21 Base Rate Override  True/False N   Blank = False
    Value = Active or Inactive

    Sample File

    Rate Type.csv

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