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    Area Availability Report

    Generate a report on availability of Areas from a set date in RMS.

    Steps Required

    1. Go to Reports > Daily > Area Availability in RMS.
    2. Select the Date.
    3. Optional: Select the checkbox 'Only Show Area if Clean'.
    4. Build.


    The Area Availability Report can be used at the closing of reception to provide a list of Areas that are available along with the number of nights and their Best Available Rate to another department for any potential walk-in guests.

    Selecting the checkbox 'Only Show Area if Clean' will limit the report to only showing Areas ready for occupying at the time the report is generated.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Reports > Daily > Area Availability in RMS.

    Select the Date.

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Only Show Area if Clean'.

    Select 'Build' to generate the report.

    The Area Availability Report will display the list of vacant Areas on the selected date with the number of nights from this date they are available to be booked and their Best Available Rate.

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