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    Rate Recalculation Prompt

    Setup when users should be prompted to recalculate the rate in RMS.

    Steps Required

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Setup > Users > Security Profiles in RMS.
    2. Select a Security Profile and choose 'Edit'.
    3. Expand the 'Reservation Screens' Function Menu.
    4. Expand the 'Hide Confirmation Messages' Menu.
    5. Select the required functions to Hide Confirmation Messages on.
    6. Save/Exit.


    Set functions in the 'Hide Confirmation Messages' menu to 'No' to ensure users are prompted for Rate Recalculation when making the specified change in RMS.

    The System Profile 'Manager' will always be prompted for Rate Recalculation on all functions.

    No Rate Recalculation message will be shown for any user when the Rate Amount has been manually overridden.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Setup > Users > Security Profiles in RMS.

    Select a Security Profile and choose 'Edit'.

    Expand the 'Reservation Screens' Function Menu.

    Expand the 'Hide Confirmation Messages' Menu.

    Select the required functions to Hide Confirmation Messages on.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

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